Neuropathy, or nerve damage, can result from a wide range of conditions, treatments like chemotherapy, and even with an unknown cause. Family history may increase the likelihood, and it can last several years or be lifelong. Neuropathy is very common, 15% of patients in our clinic and more than 3 million cases per year in the US. Peripheral neuropathy can result from traumatic injuries, infection, metabolic problems, inherited causes and exposure to toxins. One of the most common causes is diabetes. While referred to as peripheral neuropathy, which should be diagnosed by a physician, it is not a single health condition but rather a term used to describe a range of health problems involving damage to the peripheral nerves, as well as symptoms of those issues. Although the group of conditions is irreversible, you can take steps to help prevent neuropathy or manage it through diet, lifestyle, and treatment such as Acupuncture.
Symptoms of Neuropathy: Numbness; tingling; prickling; a burning sensation; increased sensitivity to touch; pain; muscle weakness or wasting; paralysis; dysfunction in organs or glands; and impairment to urination and sexual function. Sensory and motor nerves can be affected and often causes weakness, numbness, and pain, usually in your hands and feet.
Acupuncture treatment usually can be one of the best treatments for neuropathy because it increases endorphins, improves blood circulation, and enhances regeneration of the atrophy and damaged nerve fibers so the symptoms such as pain, tingling, and numbness can be improved. The tiny, hair like needles can be used superficially and there are few side effects. To see progress, it may take 7 to20 acupuncture treatments. A Sixty-minute treatment each visit can be more effective that 30 or 45 minutes. Electroacupuncture can be an option for different conditions.
Neuropathy symptoms were documented in TCM medical books as Bi and Wei syndrome. Some Acupuncture points that are often chosen: LI11, L5, TE5, LI4 for hands; G34, Sp9, Sp6, G39, S41 on legs.
Call Dr. Ming at 301-530-5308 if you have further questions.